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The ver satile modular system

Our modular system forms the basis of a product programme that can be adapted to suit practically any application. The BFK458 spring-applied brake is a standard product that can be used anywhere, but its modular design means it can also be used for special applications. Its versatility is its strength.


  • Braking torque: 1,5-600 Nm
  • 9 sizes in CSA-CUS design
  • DC voltages: 24, 103, 180, 205 V
  • Thermal class F (155 °C)
  • Preset air gap
  • Braking torque can be reduced (module E)
  • Long rotor/hub guide with low rate of wear
  • Manual release facilities for all sizes
  • Air gap and wear monitoring (optional)

Application areas:
Brake motors, cranes, warehousing, wood working machines, industrial trucks, stage machinery, vehicles for the disabled and escalators


Contact Us

الوادي للتكنولوجيا والتنمية
210 Sudan St., Mohandessin, Giza 

Email:  info@waditech.com.eg

Phone:  +2-02-33476842

Fax:  +2-02-33476843

Mobile:  +2-01227404999



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