• p1
  • p2








Single quadrant controllers 


  • Output powers from 0.36 to 2.04KW 110/230V.
  • Output current: up to 12A.


  • Compact single-board controllers for space-saving installation on a mounting plate or DIN rail 35 x 7.5 mm.
  • Easy connection through screw less, vibration-proof plug and socket connectors.
  • Protective cover prevents accidental contact of live components.
  • Ambient Temperature: 0- 45°C.
  • Current limitation from 0 to Max output current.
  • Operation with tacho or armature voltage feedback with "IxR compensation".
  • Operational integrity even under mains voltage fluctuations and short-term mains failure because of static and dynamic voltage monitoring.
  • Inter ference immunity from bad mains wave-form because of synchronizing filter and channel separation of the firing pulses.
  • Compliance with the EC directive for the design of a CE-conform drive system.

Inputs and Outputs:

  • 1 start/stop digital input.
  • 1 speed reference analogue inputs 0-10V.
  • 1 tacho feedback input 10-120V.


Contact Us

الوادي للتكنولوجيا والتنمية
210 Sudan St., Mohandessin, Giza 

Email:  info@waditech.com.eg

Phone:  +2-02-33476842

Fax:  +2-02-33476843

Mobile:  +2-01227404999



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